2014 saw the completion of phase 4 for this project with the final schools within Rukungiri district receiving Olyset mosquito nets. During this phase we have also supplied 8 bed frames and 44 nets to Trinity Secondary School, 4 beds and 43 nets to Bugangari secondary school and 204 nets to Makobore High School.
We are very pleased to report that the beds were manufactured locally and delivered to the schools, much to the delight of the students and Headmaster.
Schools are now promoting a very positive attitude towards the mosquito nets we have installed and insist that if nets are damaged the students replace them in order to keep themselves protected. Students are now able to purchase Olyset nets from a reliable local retailer in Rukungiri town at a competitive price following discussions with Project Uganda. This positive feedback is very reassuring as it demonstrates that schools and families are realising the importance of mosquito nets in ensuring the health and well being of their children in order for them to study effectively and have the potential to gain a good education.
2012 saw the completion of phase 3 of the mosquito net installation project, taking the total number of nets installed to 4526, equating to over 10,000 students protected from contracting malaria while they sleep.
There are four schools to protect in phase 4, one requiring 150 nets and three requiring us to manufacture double decker beds and provide mosquito nets. Having approved the budget provided by Moses Akampa for the production of 52 metal framed beds we can now fundraise. Makobore High school was initially due to be completed during phase 1, however, due to inappropriate behaviour by the pupils the school was temporarily closed and pupils sent home. Moses has been liasing with the Headteacher and we have been assured that these issues have now been resolved and nets will be treated with respect and well maintained. Therefore, we now feel it appropriate to continue with the installation program.
Bugangari Secondary, Blessed Parents Secondary and Bikurungu Primary are all schools where there are not currently enough beds for all the boarding students. Students without a bed but fortunate enough to have their own mattress sleep on the floor whilst those without a mattress are forced to share beds with their friends. This situation is unacceptable, and we believe our commitment to install mosquito nets to all boarders must be extended to enable all students to have a bed to which we can install the net.
Bugnagari School – 50 students without a bed 25 beds required
Blessed Parents School – 30 students without a bed 15 beds required
Bikurungu School – 24 students without a bed 12 beds required
2012 saw three committee members travel to Rukungiri to spend time working alongside Moses Akampa, the Project Representative, helping to streamline activities and improve efficiency with the Mosquito Net Project. This is invaluable when trying to ensure all project funds go as far as possible, providing protection to as many students as possible in Uganda. Matthew worked particularly hard on trying to refine the manufacture process by teaching the carpenters how to use the saw bench correctly and how to organize themselves and their materials efficiently.
The mosquito net installation project is a huge success story for Project Uganda. We are now approximately halfway through phase 3. To date we have installed 3847 nets protecting 8582 students from contracting malaria while they sleep. This is an incredible achievement and would not have been possible without Moses Akampa working very hard with his team to consistently deliver on time and on budget. We now have a frame design which can be adapted to work on metal and wooden framed beds as well as double and triple bunks. This allows us to cater for all the schools in the area. This project is easy to sustain and budget for in the UK but is having an enormously positive impact on those schools included in the scheme so far, with many reporting an 80-85% reduction in malaria cases.
As this project becomes more widespread Moses has been encouraged to start giving short presentations to each school about the benefits of the mosquito net project, and how this simple protection can have a hugely positive impact on their health, studies and therefore their long term prospects. The feedback from this has been very positive. Phase I of this project is now complete and has seen 2212 nets installed to double and triple bunk beds across 20 boarding schools in Rukungiri town, protecting approximately 4961 students from contracting malaria whilst they sleep. Many schools have reported an 80%-85% reduction in cases of malaria since installation, which is fantastic news. We are now busy on phase II, which will see a further 3086 students protected across 15 more boarding schools to the east of Rukungiri town.
We all now understand how vital mosquito nets are in fighting malaria, which is why we spent almost £6000 purchasing and installing the latest Olyset nets in 2009. Continuing the programme started in 2008 in which local carpenters and students from Gables built wooden frames from which the nets could be suspended securely with minimal risk of tearing and snagging. At the end of 2009 all primary schools in the Rukungiri town area with boarding students were protected by nets and also a few secondary schools and Vocational Centres. To date, over 800 nets have been installed protecting more than 1600 young people at a cost of just £5.00 per net (protecting two students). Malaria is still a deadly disease killing one million a year worldwide. The young are most vulnerable, leading to a loss of education increasing the risk of poverty in adulthood. Compounding this situation, 2009 saw Rukungiri badly affected by malaria following a very wet rainy season creating favourable breeding conditions for the mosquito. This programme will continue to ensure all boarding students in the Rukungiri area will be given a chance of a malaria free childhood. We hope to install 3000 mosquito nets in total to complete this initial phase of the project. We would also like to expand this project further as and when funds allow.
In 2009 this project was carried forward and 1500 nets were purchased. Timber frames were made up by the same team of carpenters as in 2008 and just over 700 nets were installed. All primary schools in the Rukungiri area with boarding students were protected by nets along with a few secondary schools and Vocational Centres in this first phase.
During 2009 over 800 nets were installed protecting 1600 young people at a cost of £5.00 per net (protecting two students). Malaria is still a deadly disease killing one million people a year worldwide with the young being the most vulnerable. In 2009 Malaria was a real problem in this area of Uganda as they had experienced a very wet rainy season which encourages the Mosquito to breed.
Project Uganda will continue this project in 2010 to make sure that all boarding students in the Rukungiri area will be given a chance of a much healthier life style. To complete the first phase we have a further 2200 nets to install. We hope to expand the project as and when funds allow.
In 2008 Project Uganda launched its exciting new project to supply and fully install the latest mosquito nets to boarding schools within the Rukungiri district. The initial target was to protect all boarding students in this area, allowing them to sleep every night safe in the knowledge they were protected from contracting malaria in their sleep. In turn this allowed them to remain healthy and study well gaining the essential qualifications required to enable them to become working self-sufficient young adults, which is one of the main aims of the work carried out by Project Uganda.
During 2008 time was spent in Kampala, the capital, researching and sourcing the latest mosquito nets. Olyset mosquito nets were chosen over traditional polyester nets for several reasons. The nets are made from polythene strands, hence are more durable so less likely to get snagged and become ineffective. The polythene strands are also impregnated with insecticide which is slowly released and guaranteed for five years, although trials have shown them to be effective even after seven years.
Once we had sourced the nets we would be installing, it was essential to produce a design for the mosquito net framework to be fixed to the bed frames. A basic timber frame was made up by local carpenters in Rukungiri and assisted by the students in Gables vocational Centre giving them much valued practical experience. 100 nets were then installed on double bunk beds at Gables Vocational Centre.